Daniel, 15

Media Consumption: ​ 6-7 hours a day

Favorite Media/Technology: Xbox

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

My family uses media to help with their work and hobbies. My dad uses technology for his job, because he’s a programmer, so he’ll use the computer for scripting or coding related websites. My mom uses technology like her phone for family group chats, business related things such as her acupuncture Instagram, and watches Iranian shows that she can’t find on American TV. My sister uses media for art related purposes, social media, and watching shows. I personally use media for YouTube, Instagram, gaming, and discord to talk to my friends. When we’re spending time together, we watch shows on Netflix and the news together.

​How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

We use different platforms like Discord, Instagram, and Xbox to hangout and talk to each other.

What do you use media for?

I use media to entertain myself and to find different crafting techniques. I really like YouTube for my hobbies and I’ll upload content related to that so I can promote my hobbies. I also play video games such as Star Wars and different strategy games. In the past, I had a lot of different gaming consoles like the Wii, DS, and PSP, but these days I use Xbox to play with my friends.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

I love media because it can help change your mood. It helps me fall asleep and I like to use technology to listen to music too. I also get to chill and communicate with people from communities that share my same hobbies in Lego and art. My least favorite thing about media is how different platforms are always keeping track of what we’re doing, because it violates my privacy.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

I wish the video games I play would have some sort of punishment for people who make inappropriate comments. People who make these games should be aware of what is going on in their games and take more serious action by having more monitoring and moderators.

What media are you using more now because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

During COVID-19 we have to stay home and there’s nothing to do. That affects my mental health since I don’t have anyone to talk to and we can’t go outside to interact with people, so I have been using my Xbox more to talk to my friends. I can’t see them or talk to them in person, so I use it to hang out with them.

Where do you get most of your information to learn more about the coronavirus (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?

I hear about the pandemic on the news and YouTube, which I watch on my PC or the TV. I hear about it every day so I’m always up to date on coronavirus.

What media has been helping you stay busy/stay calm during this difficult time?

I have been using Discord to talk to the Lego community. Discord is a website where people can create servers about different hobbies and those of us who have the same hobbies can get together and talk. I check my messages every day, and speak with other Lego and Star Wars fans.

What lessons have you learned from COVID-19?

I learned that patience is key. Because we have had to stay inside through the whole pandemic, I’ve learned that we have to wait for things in life and there are times when we just can’t have or do what we want, so we have to wait. I have also learned the importance of exercise in maintaining mental health.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of COVID-19?

I learned how important media is. For example, without platforms like Zoom being used for communication, it would be so hard to get through this pandemic. Media can also be very helpful for different situations, such as teaching for school and having access to educational material.

Interview conducted by: Neeku Salehi, UCLA 4th Year Student


Eliza, 14


Carlotta, 8