Brian, 12

Media Consumption: Mainly consumes media through computer, smartphone, and tablet mostly every day, at least 6 hours a day.

Favorite Media/Technology: His favorite type of media is video games, but also Instagram and TikTok.

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

We have a family group chat called, Kakaotalk (Korean texting app), where we text, call and send pictures or videos to each other. This is our family’s daily messaging app.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

I use my laptop or phone to stay connected with my friends. I use social media (Instagram, TikTok) to share short videos like “reels” with others and keep each other updated. Also, I use FaceTime to call and talk with my friends.

What do you use media for?

I use media to socialize and see what is trending throughout the time. For example, I watch TikTok to see what new events or incidents are happening around me. Also, I watch funny memes, sports, and play video games. When I play video games, I use FaceTime to talk with my friends live while playing.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My favorite thing about the media is I feel connected with my family and friends whenever. Also, I can search for everything on the internet which is convenient. My least favorite thing or negative effect would be I use too much phone during the day. I can’t live without my phone even a day which is kind of sad to think about.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

I hope the computer does not freeze whenever I play video games especially when I play with my Korean friends who live in Korea. I know it is obvious that the game could be lag but I don’t want my computer to be crashed. Also, I don’t want to spend my real money to buy items in the game. I think it’s unnecessary to spend “real” money in the “fake” game world.

What media do you interact with the most?

I interact with my phone the most. I watch YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram all through my smartphone.

Where do you get most of your information about what’s happening in the world (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?

I watch TikTok or Instagram to see incidents or news that is happening recently. I think those two are the fastest social media to receive news today.

What media helps you stay busy/stay calm during challenging times?

YouTube has been helping me to stay calm during challenging times. I love watching YouTube because it makes me laugh and forget about challenging things going on around me.

What lessons have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenging times?

I learned that going to school was thankful because I get to see my friend and hear my teachers’ lectures in person. I don’t like using Zoom because sometimes it’s hard to hear the teacher and I can’t learn properly. Also, I learned that my phone is important to stay in touch with my friends.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenging times?

I didn’t know I spend this much time on my phone but I realized that I spend even more time during the pandemic because there was nothing to do other than watch my phone. So, I started to use my phone less than before.

Interviewed by: Dana Lim, UCLA student


Turning Red: The Experience of Asian American Teenage Girls


Zoe, 14