Mary, 11

Media Consumption: On weekdays, about 2 hours per day. On weekends, about 6 hours online per day. 

Favorite Media/Technology: My favorite media is TikTok, and my favorite piece of technology is my iPad

How do you and your family interact with media/technology? 

We watch YouTube, television shows, and movies together. My mom uses social media, and my dad watches videos or whatever is on TV. We usually use a moderate amount of media, but we sometimes use a lot on weekends. However, we do not use any media during family bonding time or dinner. 

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology? 

My friends and I like to use media to interact with each other. We talk to each other on TikTok, Discord, FaceTime, and any other social app. I also like to play Roblox, which is an online game, with my friends. My peers seem to use social media a lot. As far as I know, everyone my age at school uses a phone and has at least one social media account. 

What do you use media for? 

I use media for educational purposes and entertainment. I look at YouTube to watch Math and History videos, especially when I don’t understand the concepts taught at school. I also watch arts and crafts videos, and I love watching documentaries with my dad. 

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology? 

My favorite thing is that I can watch videos about things that I can’t even imagine. I get to see breathtaking scenes and travel all over the world just with the click of a button on my iPad. For example, through vlogs, I can travel to New York City and see Times Square. My least favorite thing is that you can get a lot of criticism online. People can anonymously condemn people and share negative comments that they would never say in real life. Media can be an ugly place when people are disrespectful and rude to each other. 

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know? 

I wish you would look out for our safety more. Kids like me shouldn’t be afraid of our photos or other things getting leaked. You should have more safety rules and frequently check if someone is doing something wrong online. For TikTok, you should pay more attention to what people write in the comments. For YouTube, you should stop putting in so many advertisements. 

What media are you using more now because of the COVID-19 pandemic? 

I am using TikTok way more now because of the pandemic. More people have taken interest in TikTok during the pandemic and have posted tons of videos. So, there is a greater variety of content on that platform than before. Also, TikTok personalizes my feed, and I get to post videos and find audios I like. 

Where do you get most of your information to learn more about changes during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)? 

I get my information from my mom and dad because the internet can be wrong sometimes. Also, my mom and dad talk about it during dinner. They usually mention anything big that happens, such as when the restaurants started closing or when the vaccine came out. 

What media has been helping you stay busy/stay calm during the COVID19 pandemic? 

YouTube, Roblox, and TikTok have been helping me stay calm. YouTube lets me watch any video I want when I’m bored. Roblox lets me escape into my own world, where I can build my own house or design my own characters. TikTok keeps me busy by letting me watch videos so that time goes by faster, which was especially helpful during the quarantine period. 

What lessons have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? 

I learned that I need to be more careful in the future because there are a lot of viruses and bad people in the real world. The world can be a dangerous place, especially with the increase in crime rates. I also learned to not believe everything I see on the internet. Some people can spread false rumors about things online, and many people will believe it. 

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Now I realize I need to be more cautious of the negative effects of social media. I learned that social media is not as cool as I thought it was. Before the pandemic, I didn’t really use social media that much; I only used Instagram a little bit. However, during the pandemic, when I used social media more, I started to see the dark side of it. I began seeing how easy it is to compare yourself to someone else. 

Interviewed by: Sydney Kong, UCLA Student


Lauren, 17


Ruvim, 9