Jacob, 6

Media Consumption: Everyday; roughly 2-4 hours a day

Favorite Media/Technology: “phone“ aka old iPod that connects to wifi; Favorite apps include Minecraft, Roblox, and YouTube

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

One of Jacob’s favorite activities is to watch YouTube with his Dad, but they aren’t just passively watching. His dad is actively engaging with the videos he carefully chose to relate back to real life. Their favorite series on Youtube is called “What if?”. Jacob and his dad sit and watch these information videos that are basically “really cool facts” as Jacob would explain it.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

No kids bring their phone to school. On some playdates they sit and play Roblox, Melon Playground, and other games together. Loves to watch YouTube with his friends, specifically ‘Mr. Beast.’ Teachers use some iPads and apps on the computer in class.

What do you use media for?

For games and videos on YouTube. “I like learning the fun facts and how to be better at games” - referencing youtube videos of streamers who show tips and tricks about different games.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

He doesn’t love when his older brother won’t play with him.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

“Can you make a game that has chainsaws, legos, and teams?”

What media do you interact with the most?


Where do you get most of your information about what’s happening in the world (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?


What media helps you stay busy/stay calm during challenging times?

When he is bored he likes to watch YouTube videos or TV with his dad.

What lessons have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenging times?

Always wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, and wear a mask.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenging times?

I’m not sure this is applicable to Jacob. He was too young to really understand the pandemic and to him it was just a time not to go to school.

Interviewed by: Lauren Umansky, UCLA student


Cate, 16


Ella, 17