2023 Teens & Screens Summit

October 26, 2023

UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center

The invite-only 2023 Teens & Screens Summit gathered storytellers, entertainment leaders, researchers, and teens to collaborate on solutions to address the mental health challenges of today’s adolescents (ages 10-25).

Panels focused on creating content from a research-informed perspective, emphasizing authentically inclusive representation (AIR) and meeting teens and young adults where they are ...on screens. This included both platforms where they gather (e.g. social, gaming, etc.) and topics they care about (e.g. gender identity and expression).


Thanks and appreciation to our 2023 Summit Advisory Committee: Gael Aitor, Jenny Blum, Sarah Bremner, Jamila Hunter, Missy Masters, Lynnette Ramirez, Navia Robinson, and Joy Gorman Wettels.